Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Design Of Earthquake Resistant Houses

The most important thing in building earthquake resistant houses are detailed placement and making cross bar (on the ring beam) to be true. With the correct positioning cross bar then it can be prevented and destroyed houses collapsed during the earthquake. Density of the cross bar spacing to each other could be about 5 inches. However, the correct benchmark, the stone for the concrete mix used must not be escaped. If the size of about 2 inches of stone gravel, cross bar density inevitably no more than 2 centimeters.

Another method of making the design earthquake-resistant homes are concrete block with a flexible method of formation. When an earthquake happens, concrete block structure was freed to move flexibly. However, the wall layer is maintained not move in order to avoid cracks. In principle, earthquake-resistant buildings or houses that use a material that is light, but strong. Logically, when forced to collapse due to earthquake, the structure of light material that will not get shut down.

1. Plan a simple and symmetrical
The investigation of damage caused by the earthquake showed the importance of building a simple floor plan and structural elements retaining the symmetrical horizontal force. Such structures can withstand earthquake forces Iebih either because of lack of effect of torque and a more equitable kekekuatannya.
2. Building materials should be as light as possible
Often, therefore ketersedianya certain building materials. Architects and Scholars SipiI must use heavy building materials, but if possible should be used lightweight building materials. This is because the magnitude of the earthquake inertial load is proportional to the weight of building materials. For example roof cover over wooden horses generate horizontal earthquake load equal to 3 x expenses earthquake generated by the zinc roof covering over the wooden horses. Similarly, the pair menghasiIkan brick wall for 15 x earthquake load earthquake load generated by the timber walls.
3. Need for construction system of adequate load-bearing
In order for a building can withstand earthquakes, earthquake inertial forces must be transmitted from each structural element to the main structure honisontal style which then move these forces to the foundation and to the ground.
It is very important that the main structure of the horizontal brace that is supple style. Because, if the elastic force is exceeded, brittle collapse that suddenly will not happen, but at certain places occur Ieleh first.
An example of such deformation of the nails in the log before the collapse occurred due to the bending moment on the trunk.
The way in which these forces flow path is usually called Iintasan style.
Each building must have sufficient force trajectory path to be able to withstand earthquake forces horisosontal.
To provide a clear picture, here is given an example of a simple house with three main points to be discussed is the roof structure, wall structure and foundation.

3.1 ROOF STRUCTUREIf there is no rod stiffeners (bracing) in roof structures that resist earthquake loads in the direction of X then the collapse will occurIf the width of the building is greater than the width of the building may take 2 or 3 bars on stiffeners on each end.With note that the claimant should be a continuous system so that all styles can be streamed through the trunks of these stiffeners.The forces are then applied to the ring beam at ceiling height.The forces of the rod stiffeners and load on the wall perpendicular to the field of producing bending moments in the ring beam.If the length of the wall in the width direction (short direction) is greater than 4 feet will require a horizontal stiffener rods at an angle to remove the burden from the stem wall vertical stiffeners on the field in which the X direction daIam elemnen-weight-bearing structural elements of the main earthquake.Once again ring beams should also be continuous along the wall in the direction of X and Y directionsIn lieu of using a diagonal stiffener rods at an angle, there are 2 (two) alternatives can be chosen oIeh planner;
Ring beam size can be enlarged in the horizontal direction, for example 15 cm to 30cm or as required in the calculation. Bolok ring is mounted on a wall in the direction X.Ceiling is used as a diaphragm, such as plywood.
For the earthquake load direction Y, the system of structures designed to prevent range collapse. To drain the force from the roof to the walls in the Y direction, one of the above alternatives can be chosen which is the use of rod horizontal stiffener ring beams or ceiling using a diaphragm.3.2 WALL STRUCTUREAksiaI styles in the ring beam must be retained by the wall.
On the brick wall styles are detained by the diagonal compression force is decomposed into tensile and compressive force. AksiaI style that works on the ring beam can also cause rotary motion in the wall. This round wall held by his own weight, the weight of the roof that worked on it and Sloof ties to the foundation.If the rolling moment is greater than the length of the wall moments holder must be enlarged.
Another possibility is a system for memperkaku diaphragm wall using plywood, particle board or the like, or diagonal stiffeners wood for the wall chambers.Use of diaphragm walls is preferable because of frequent difficulty to obtain a better connection at the end of the diagonal stiffeners system.Earthquake load acting on the direction of the Y was detained in the same way with the direction X
Sebagal system in which the walls of the main structure should be able to withstand earthquake loads the direction of the field wall, the wall must also be able to withstand an earthquake in the direction perpendicular field wall.For this reason the brick wall (without reinforcement) should be reinforced with practical column with a short distance away. As a practical substitute for this column can be used wooden poles.3.3 STRUCTURE FOUNDATIONFoundation structure important role to remove the burden from the wall to the ground quake.First, the foundation must be able to withstand tensile and compressive force from the vertical wall. This means Sloof receive shear force and bending moment as the last line Iintasan styles before the styles are reaching the ground.
Finally Sloof forces move into the flat lands held by the soil bearing capacity and lateral earth pressure.
Houses made of wood with wood floors and wood foundations like the pictures below requires a rod stiffeners to prevent collapse.

From the description above, the shock of the earthquake and how to calculate price for a building earthquake loading, it can be concludedthat:
Elasticity structure is stressed once to prevent the collapse of buildings.
Earthquake forces can only be detained by a continuous structural system (continuous line trajectory styles) from the top of the building to the ground.

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